Seeding and Aeration



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We use a machine that drops seed over the soil before we aerate to get the best soil and seed contact.

We choose the best and correct seed on the market for different types of shade, medium shade and full sun applications.


Aeration reduces compaction in the lawn by pulling soil plugs for air, water, fertilizer and seed to enter the lawn and helps the roots to grow deep and strong.

Lawn Renovation

We normally use a 50/50 soil. 50% compost and 50% black dirt which makes growing grass easy.

We use different types of erosion matting to make sure the soil stays in place as we seed areas prone to wash out during heavy rains or heavy irrigation. Erosion matting works great for seeding anytime of the year because it is made to hold moisture and helps the grass seed to germinate quickly.

We can also do sod applications.

Landscape grass netting helps safeguard the seeds as they germinate.